​If you experience primal urges to sleep under the stars,
we have a campground for you…
Recreation site amenities at S-Tree Campground and Turkey Foot Campground includes campgrounds, picnicking, sanitary facilities, and disabled access toilets.
​For information contact:
Daniel Boone National Forest
1700 Bypass Road
Winchester, KY 40391
(859) 745-3100
London Ranger Station
761 S. Laurel Road
London, KY 40744

Stars signify McKee region and London region recreation areas.

Turkey Foot Campground
This campground and picnic area is located in a grove of oaks along the banks of a mountain stream (War Fork Creek) which disappears into a limestone sinkhole during dry weather. Located in Area 19 of the Sheltowee Trace National Recreation Trail,
the grounds include: 15 trailer/tent campsites, a picnic area and playing field, and vault toilets. There is no electricity or drinking water.
S-Tree Campground
This campground and picnic area is located in a remote forest setting known as Horse Lick in Area 21 of the Sheltowee Trace National Recreation Trail. There are 20 trailer/tent campsites,one picnic shelter and vault toilets. There is no electricity or drinking water.

Directions: Take US 421 north from McKee for half a mile, turn left (south) on KY 89 south for three miles, turn right (west) on Forest Service Road 43 for one mile, turn left (south) on Forest Service Road 20 and follow the signs.

Directions: Take KY 89 north from McKee for three miles, turn right at the Forest Service Sign and follow the signs for three miles.

Turkey Foot Campground lies along Section 19 of the Sheltowee Trace.

S-Tree Campground lies in The Horse Lick Creek area, or Section 21 of the Sheltowee Trace.